
The Town of Carbondale is soliciting proposals for consulting work related to potential traffic calming and multi-modal improvements on 8th Street between Main Street and Village Road.  .  The purpose of this project is to evaluate the corridor, come up with potential traffic calming and multi-modal improvements that would benefit the corridor, conduct a robust public outreach effort, refine the potential improvements based on feedback from the public outreach, and then develop a conceptual plan for the agreed-upon improvements which includes estimated costs and a potential phasing plan for the improvements.  If funding exists, it is also desirable to develop engineered plans for any short-term, less expensive aspects of the plan that could potentially be constructed/installed later in the fall.  The deadline to submit proposals is January 20, 2020, at 3:00 PM. For more information contact Kevin Schorzman,, 970/510-1217

RFP for 8th St. and Village Road Traffic Improvements