
When are accounts payable processed?

Can accounts payable checks be picked up at Town Hall?

I performed a service for the Town. Are taxes withheld from my check?

I was paid less than $600, but I still had to fill out a W-9 form. Why?

When do I get my utility bill?

When is my utility bill due?

How can I pay my utility bill?

I am purchasing a property in Carbondale and need to set up service for water and sewer. Who should I contact?

I am selling my place in Carbondale and need to turn off service. Who should I contact?

I am leasing a residence in Carbondale, and need to set up service. Who should I contact?

What should I do when I move from a property that I am leasing?

What is the S-WTR fee on my bill?

Why is my bill so high?

How can I reduce water usage?

How can I verify tax rate by Address?